Honey Corbin
"Bull-Riding Cowgirl" (18x24, framed oil)
I am a late blooming artist finally able to concentrate on my creativity after years of focusing on family needs. My wakening began as an adult art student during a particular stressful time of my life. I enrolled in a remarkable fine art program in a small college in Central Pennsylvania – one of the best things I ever did for myself.
I find art all around me – it is there in everything we live with and see every day – from a broken down barn, the fabric in furniture, architecture, to the exquisite beauty of nature. Translating my vision and creative experience is an emotional process. If I don’t “feel it,” I can’t paint it. The subject matter must speak to me in some personal manner. As an artist, I would hope to lead the viewer to experience that emotion too. Most of my art tends to be impressionist but I enjoy playing with color and form in the abstract as well. |